Do you sell any items before the day of the sale? No, everything is sold first come, first serve.
Can I call or email about the price of an item, or what items are still available? Unfortunately, due to call/email volume we only give prices and availablity of items in person during the estate sale hours.
How much does it cost to have an estate sale? All costs are discussed at the time of the free consultation. If you choose to bundle your estate sale with using our Realtor services, then you will receive a special discount.
What are you looking for during the free consultation? We are evaluating your needs to determine which services will best aid your situation. Do you need an estate sale, realtor, junk removal, or all three?
What is your return policy? All items are sold "as is" and all sales are FINAL. Please check your items to ensure they are working and exactly what you want before checking out.
What forms of payments do you accept? Cash, and all major credit cards (3.5% processing fee). Checks are not accepted.
How do you know how much to price our items for? Our goal is to sell all of the contents of your home. We utilize many resources to determine a fair market value.
What items can we sale? Just about anything. A few examples include: furniture, home furnishings, tools, appliances, lighting, clothing/shoes/handbags, jewelry, coins, cleaning supplies and more. If you are not sure, just ask us!
Do you provide bags or boxes for purchased items? No, please bring bags or bins for your purchased items.
When do I get paid? Within 7 business days from the conclusion of our services with you.
Do you have people that can help lift heavy items into my car/truck? No, please bring extra people to lift heavy items. Heavy items will not be placed on hold or sold to you until you are ready to leave with them.
Do you document what is being sold? Yes, we will provide you with a detail report of all sold items and the prices they sold for.
Do you hold items for sell? During the estate sale we have a hold table where we can hold items for you while you are still present and shopping. We do not hold items ahead of time, and we do not hold items for people not present at the estate sale.
What about insurance? We are fully licensed and insured.
How do I perpare for an estate sale? We will provide instructions on what should be completed prior to our first day of setup. Please dispose/remove all food, personal items, documents, medicine, trophies/ awards and broken items. We will handle the rest.
I do not need a Realtor, can I just do an estate sale? Yes, you can! But bundling services gives you a special discount.
I do not need an estate sale, can I just use your experienced Realtor? Yes, you can! But bundling services gives you a special discount.